Testosterone (T) is known as an androgen, a hormone present in both men and women. In men, Testosterone is produced by the testicles and is responsible for sperm production, sex drive, facial and body hair, muscle mass, and bone density.
In women, Testosterone is produced mainly by the ovaries and some by the adrenal glands and is responsible for influencing FSH during reproductive years, production of red blood cells, and enhancing sexual desire and libido.
DID YOU KNOW that men today have less testosterone compared to men of the same age a generation ago, especially since the 1980s with average levels declining about 1% per year? This is attributed to several factors: an increase in obesity (which suppresses testosterone), lack of exercise and weight training (which boost testosterone levels), environmental toxins such as pesticides, and ingredients common in household products.
Known as “Andropause”, symptoms of low T for men include low motivation, lack of energy, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, mental fogginess/depression, weight gain, and decreased muscle mass.
Testosterone replacement therapy is an effective treatment for Low T in men. It can help reverse the symptoms of hypogonadism and andropause
Men generally experience these symptoms over a long period of time and dismiss it as “just getting older”. The good news is that you don’t have to feel this way. There is treatment available to help you feel better again.
Normal T levels in men is considered blood levels 300-1100 ng/dl and for women 15-70 ng/dl. However, there are men with “normal” T levels on their blood work, yet still have symptoms. This still needs to be treated to minimize symptoms.
Low T levels are treatable with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in several forms such as gels or creams, At Foxy Clinic, we provide the most effective method of TRT with injections. Compounding creams are also available. Optimizing T levels can tremendously improve symptoms.
TRT has many benefits, however there are some risks which include shrinking of testicles, decreased sperm count, acne, and increased red blood cell count. At Foxy Clinic, we have adjuncts to help with these potential side effects and monitor blood work every 3-6 months.
Testosterone replacement therapy is an effective treatment for Low T in men. It can help reverse the symptoms of hypogonadism and andropause.
At Foxy Clinic, we will design a tailored plan based on your health history, lab results, symptoms, and lifestyle. Set up a free 15 minute telephone consultation now. Thanks